The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28603   Message #384834
Posted By: Red Goat
29-Jan-01 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Earl of March's Daughter (McClelland)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Earl of March's Daughter
scott! sorry im not as prompt as you, but i dont get to a computer very often ... an outfit called elderly instuments can get me the second two albums, and, joy of joys, i found a cassette copy of guid neibours here in ann arbor, mich, for only five dollars! its great stuff, transcending even my nostalgia, and my bros and i will be playing yellows on the broom and dixie darlin in a pub in grand rapids mich as part of our st paddys day gig ... thnaks in no small part to you! so anyway, thanks for the info ... sean