The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161452   Message #3848624
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
04-Apr-17 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
It was not personal abuse Dave. I don't do that.
You blatantly lied in a particularly offensive way. I just dropped one word that did not even change the meaning of what was said.
Your morality is shit Dave, but I would still not subject you or anyone else to personal abuse.

So telling someone that their morality is shit and that they have lied is not personal? Does anyone else see what is contradictory with the above statements?

Different Morality
Different Language
Different Planet

Still, it matters not one jot. I was going to go to the gym tonight but seeing as it was such good weather decided to go for a walk instead. Set off as the church clock was chiming 6 and returned as it chimed 8. In between I went up the 'clough', a beautiful wooded stream, formerly part of Sutton Hall. Beyond the defined paths it goes up the valley quite steeply and it was rather muddy so I certainly did more than my workout. The wild garlic was abundant in the woods and the squirrels were busy doing whatever it is squirrels do. Past the top of the valley I wandered past a couple of farms, one where the farmer was busy trying to get his chickens in their hen house for the night. Looked fun! Walked back down the lane and as the sun was on its way down the bird song was glorious. The view down Airedale towards Embsay Crag was stunning in the late afternoon light. Many gardens had their forsythia in bloom plus plenty of other spring flowers I did not recognise. The blackthorn bloom is abundant but the hawthorn is just coming into leaf - So cast not a clout yet :-) As I got into the village I could not resist calling in my local for a swift pint of superbly kept Black Sheep. What more can a man ask for?

I wonder whether some on here ever stop to enjoy the simple things of life and if not, could that be a reason for the bile and bitterness we regularly see. Take it from me, Keith, when there is such joy to be had on my own doorstep your opinions and tortuous arguments fade into absolute insignificance. Make the most of whatever Hertford has to offer. If you cannot get out into the countryside try reading or taking in a film. Anything is better than trying to win points from people who are not even interested in the same game as you.

All the best