The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161848 Message #3849411
Posted By: GUEST,padgett
08-Apr-17 - 05:19 AM
Thread Name: National Folk Awards 2017
Subject: RE: National Folk Awards 2017
From what I have seen of nominees and the current folk scene, the Albert
Hall awards tended to be those who are singing playing and entertaining
for a living hence are professionals ~ travelling up and down the UK and
beyond and making, recording and arranging both traditional songs and
writing and rewriting songs and tunes classed as being in the
traditional style (not always my definition ~ whatever it is!)
The standards of musicianship are beyond belief and concert style ~
far removed from the folk club norms (still exist some brilliant folk
club guests btw) attitudes can be professional (make a living) and
others who simply enjoy learning songs, making songs, playing learning
an instrument entertaining at the club, and joining in and having a pint
All these factors are embraced in the current scene, it does mean that those currently being booked are being nominated for awards and basically good luck to them in their careers Kris Drever, Daoiri Farrell et al ~ good on yer all