The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161848 Message #3849415
Posted By: The Sandman
08-Apr-17 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: National Folk Awards 2017
Subject: RE: National Folk Awards 2017
"The idea that people performing at the Folk Awards do not play the music for their own pleasure too is surely off." I never said that. "Subject: RE: National Folk Awards 2017 From: GUEST,Morris-ey - PM Date: 08 Apr 17 - 05:21 AM
GSS, despite or perhaps because of many decades in his personal folk bubble actually knows very little of the folk scene and how it has developed, and continues to develop, to suit changing times, attitudes, technology and audience.
He is entitled to think what he wants, he is entitled to belittle or insult others who hold contrary views but he should not surprised that no one takes him seriously and sees him as the slightly eccentric uncle that sits in an armchair arguing with himself about the youth of today." The only person being belittled or insulted here is me, by GUEST Morriss-ey.