The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161848 Message #3849522
Posted By: The Sandman
08-Apr-17 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: National Folk Awards 2017
Subject: RE: National Folk Awards 2017
Guest Morriss_ey, you continue to insult me, what is your real name, and what have you done. Here is what I am doing. I am and have been running a festival for the last six years, I am working as a professional singer and musician AND HAVE BEEN DOING SO SINCE 1976. yet you claim I have limited knowledge of the uk folk scene. I am no more the past than any other full time singer[ whether they be any age... 20 50 70 90] Guest Morriss-ey you are a coward who hides behind anonymity and cannot engage in a discussion without insults yet your comment here "GSS, despite or perhaps because of many decades in his personal folk bubble actually knows very little of the folk scene and how it has developed, and continues to develop, to suit changing times, attitudes, technology and audience." this is so wide of the mark, that your comment could be about yourself.