The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161848 Message #3849876
Posted By: The Sandman
10-Apr-17 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: National Folk Awards 2017
Subject: RE: National Folk Awards 2017
Mooriss _ey who are you, and what have you done, have you run a festival for six years, have you run folk clubs, have you earned a living as a musician for 41 years? you expect me to believe you saying you are being sarcastic, please allow others to have different opinions without indulging in personal attacks. I am not interested in your opinion that you think Shirley deserves the award more than me, let me make it clear I totally agree with you, let me make it also clear I would not allow myself to be nominated for this feckin tupid competition IT IS NOT IN MY OPINION WHAT THE FOLK SCENE NEEDS AS ITS NUMBER ONE PRIORITY.