The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161900   Message #3850795
Posted By: Mr Red
17-Apr-17 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Molor - (Gaelic?) meaning? & a flag
Subject: Folklore: Molor - (Gealic?) meaning? & a flag
I already posted a House names thread

And this house name was changed to Hill Rise from Molor View (as near as I can tell).
Now Internet Wikitionary searches threw up the possibility it was "Old Irish" without a meaning, but related to molur thus related to molaidir thus molathir/molad thus .................. circular references sans meaning.

The Latinate derivation is "rock or jetty" hence molar
And at some point I happened on "good, laudable etc" so I surmise the house was essentially "Belle View". If the change came in the early 20th C, with the spectre of armed insurrection, having an Irish name would be infra-dig, to say the least.

Any Gaelicophones with more insight?


there is a flag in our locale that looks to be river or canal related but I can't find an internet image that would help. Can the Mudcat?

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