The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33222 Message #3850850
Posted By: GUEST,Pete LeRoy
17-Apr-17 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)
Subject: RE: Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)
I was in Chapter Three in 1966/67. I sang harmonies, played 12-string guitar and autoharp. We were based in a squat in North London.
We had an old Commer van we paid 30 quid for at the Ally Pally auctions.
Most of our gigs were in the north although we also played Brighton a few times. Didn't make enough money a afford a beer at gigs. Alex Malcolm was the lead singer...a Scot. Bass player was John Rice who came from Durban in South Africa. Basically, we starved for 12 months, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I left the group in August 1967. They carried on for a few months with a girl singer, then chucked it in.
I'm a full-time songwriter for the last 17 years on a small farm 20 miles north of Cape Town, South Africa.