The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29940   Message #385172
Posted By: mousethief
29-Jan-01 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: BUSHwhacked Two!!
Subject: RE: BUSHwhacked Two!!
Ah, yes. Top-heavy administration is caused by unions.

I'm so sick of this "throwing money at it" idea. Well, let's see. Can we make schools better by spending LESS money on them? Where has THAT worked? (hint: NOWHERE). More MONEY might make class sizes smaller. Might get problem students into special classes (mandated, but not paid for, by the Feds) and allow the regular teachers to actually TEACH during the 6 hours they're with our kids, and not just babysit the troublemakers while the rest fall through the cracks. Might buy some up-to-date textbooks, so that if the kids do manage to learn something, it won't be wrong. Might fix crumbling schools, decrepid heating and/or cooling systems, and the like.

No, MONEY is not the answer. Surely TAKING MONEY AWAY will be the right thing to do to fix America's schools. We all know that PUNISHING people for things they can hardly help works far better to achieve results than REWARDING them for things they are actually doing right.

Hey, conservatives with the anally-fitted crania: go to the aquarium and find out how they train the dolphins. Specifically, what punishment do they use when they do something wrong?

(Hint: NONE. They don't punish, only reward.)

Small wonder dolphins score higher than Republicans on standardized tests.