The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122008   Message #3852725
Posted By: Shimmering
27-Apr-17 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: Pronunciation of Gaelic/Norn in 'King Orfeo'
Subject: RE: Pronunciation of Gaelic/Norn in 'King Orfeo'
There are refrain (omkväde) lines reminiscent of Scowan ürla grün in some Scandinavian ballads. A couple that spring immediately to mind are:

Herr Olof kommer hem /
då skogen görs lövegrön
(Sir Olof will come home when the forest grows leaf green), from Herr Olof och Älvorna (Sir Olof and the elves)

Hon kommer väl igen /
när skogen stånder löfgrön
(She will come back when the forest is leaf green), from Hafsfrun (the Mermaid)

Medan skogen han lövas (While the forest grows leafy), from Per Tyressons Döttrar i Vänge