The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161452   Message #3854625
Posted By: Steve Shaw
12-May-17 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Well, Teribus, your sanitised version of history appears to have forgotten to mention Haganah-Irgun, the Stern Gang and the litany of terrorists they contained who made themselves "respectable" by becoming political leaders in Israel. You might also have mentioned gratuitous aggression such as the Sabra/Shatila massacres of civilians, overseen by the IDF, the scattering of hundreds of thousands of cluster bomblets over southern Lebanon, the kidnapping and subsequent mistreatment of Mordechai Vanunu for blowing the whistle on Israel's nuclear weapons industry which is in defiance of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the razing of villages by bulldozers and helicopter gunships and the deliberate targeting of schools in Gaza, the deliberate impoverishment by blockade of a million and a half civilians, attempts at ethnic cleansing in the Negev, the theft of land by building the apartheid wall and the ongoing misappropriation of the more desirable tracts of land for settlements. You're going to have a very difficult time ascribing those acts of aggression to a response to Arab aggression, aren't you? When I see you nakedly "cleaning up" history in this way it leads me to doubt even more your reliability when it comes to any other of the historical "facts" that you're so fond of reeling out.