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Thread #161452   Message #3854970
Posted By: bobad
14-May-17 - 08:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Some findings from an assessment of the 2014 Gaza conflict by a panel of MILITARY experts:

We   can   be   categorically   clear   that   Israel's   
conduct in the 2014 Gaza Conflict met and in
some respects exceeded the highest standards
we set for our own nations' militaries.    It is our
view that Israel fought an exemplary campaign,
adequately conceived with appropriately limited
objectives,   and   displaying   both   a   very   high   
level of   operational capability as well as a total
commitment to the Law of Armed Conflict.

It is further our view that in the overall conduct of
its campaign, the IDF not only met its obligations
under the Law of Armed Conflict, but often
exceeded them, both on the battlefield and in
the humanitarian relief efforts that accompanied
its operation.

In many cases where the fighting
was concerned, this came at significant tactical
cost to the IDF. It fought under restrictive Rules
of   Engagement and it is obvious that instances
existed throughout the conflict where the IDF did
not attack lawful military objectives on account
of a deliberate policy of restraint.

It further
used its formidable intelligence capability in an
effort to contain its action as closely as possible to
Hamas's assets and protect the civilian population
amid which these were purposely and unlawfully
embedded. Intelligence is not infallible however,
nor is it possible to preclude completely preclude
civilian casualties through precautions enacted in
compliance with the Law of Armed Conflict

Despite the regrettable loss
of   innocent life and the damage to infrastructure
in Gaza our findings are clear in that the overall
outcome   of    the   campaign   in   Gaza   is   entirely   
consistent with the conduct of a professional armed
forces operating within the parameters of the Law
of Armed Conflict when faced with a scenario such
as Israel did in confronting Hamas.

Hamas not only flagrantly disregarded the
Law of Armed Conflict as a matter of course
as part of   its terrorist-army hybrid strategic
concept, but rather it abused the very protections
afforded   by   the   law   for   military   advantage,   
putting the civilian population of Gaza at great
risk.      Situating   its   operational   headquarters   
in   Gaza's   main   hospital,   the   entire   military
machinery of   Hamas was embedded in civilian
locations,   private   homes   and   a   plethora   of   
sensitive sites such as medical facilities, mosques
and schools.
These included facilities run by
the United Nations in multiple instances, from
which it must be concluded that the relevant
UN agencies are either compromised in their
relationship with Hamas or have temporarily lost
control of   the security of   their facilities.

of   Hamas's actions clearly amount to serious
violations of the Law of Armed Conflict,
including war crimes identified by the United
Nations such as the summary execution of those
it accused of   collaborating with Israel.    Hamas
further engaged in actions that were designed to
interfere with the humanitarian assistance to its
own population.

Hamas not only indiscriminately targeted Israeli
civilians throughout the conflict with extensive
rocket fire, but willfully sought to draw the
IDF into a prepared stronghold amid Gaza's
civilian population. It is important to note that
Hamas actively sought the death of   its own
civilians as an advantageous reinforcement of its
strategic concept aimed at the erosion of Israel's

No country would accept the threat against its
civilian population that these rockets present to Israeli
population centres.    Members of   the High Level
Military Group, many of whom had never visited the
country prior to our fact-finding visits were united
in   their   view   that   Israel's   efforts   were   entirely   
justified, appropriately conceived and lawfully carried
out, and necessary in the defence of   that country's
national security.