The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91268   Message #3855073
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
14-May-17 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: Songs/Poems of Joe Wilson
Subject: RE: Songs/Poems of Joe Wilson

TEUN- "Ow Mary."

Aw warn'd ye've heard 0' Rodger?
That's Mistress Thomsin's lodger,
He's teun his hook, an' sloup'd them a',
An', ay, but he's a dodger;
He's got se much i' debt there,
He's caws'd them a' te fret there,
They nivvor thowt he'd be se bad,
For he wes a greet pet there!


" Oh! Mistriss Thomsin,
What will ye de?" says a' the neybors;
"Oh, Mistriss Thomsin,
Yor lodger, Rodger's ron away."

He korted Thomsin's dowter,
Tho mony a lad had sowt her,
She thowt se much 0' Rodger, faith,
That money waddent bowt her;
He wun thor whole affeckshuns,
Wi' boasts 0' high conneckshuns,
An' wheedling wayshe got thor praise,
But noo it's awful vexin.

He's a quarter back i' rent, tee,
Besides sum money lent, tee,
The landlady advanced him owt,
An' away wi' all he went, tee.
What bad, what mean behavour,
Te pay the aud wife's labour
Wi' nowt but base ingratitude,
Besides he jew'd the neybors!

Source: Joe Wilson,(author) Songs and Drolleries, 1890