The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162067   Message #3855371
Posted By: Mr Red
16-May-17 - 04:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Giant Hack of Everybody
Subject: RE: BS: Giant Hack of Everybody
According to the Telegraph (so it must be true!)

the IT worker who found how to switch off the ransom demand leaped and jumped like a child when he spotted the solution.

The hacker(s) left a backdoor to switch it off. It involved a domain name that didn't exist, so he bought it. And it switched off the block.

Now this story (call me cynical) was a big one so:
1) what stories did it bury on the world news scene?
2) did it divert attention from other scams/viruses/trojans. Let's face it, trawling for data is probably more lucrative and not being visible is more useful.
3) did this virus delete/overwrite other malware - Trumprussia ie.
4) who launched it, if no-one collected money, and it was relatively easy to switch off?
5) was the virus/worm a proof of concept, brace yerselves fer the next one!
6) It hasn't hurt sales of AV or Win 10, just repeating that.