The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6498   Message #38558
Posted By: Dave T
18-Sep-98 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: Intellectual property
Subject: RE: Intellectual property
Well this thread certainly wanders doesn't it? That's one of the things I like so much about the Mudcat. Anyway, a few thoughts...
1. Regarding education: Chet, it might be even worse than you point out. Many kids can't read or write very well, can't add or subtract, let alone multiply (except as in be fruitful and ...) and divide. They tend to view time as happening in discrete chunks instead of as a continuous flow because of digital clocks. I sympathize with the majority of teachers out there who want to teach and are constantly saddled with a curriculum formed by the latest fad in education.

2. Regarding ASCAP, BMI, lawyers, etc.: It seems to me that it's a matter of power, control and greed. The very organizations meant to protect the interests and rights of musicians & songwriters have turned. I think Orwell had some comments on this didn't he???

3. About Folk music being anti-intellectual: I think rather that folk music has always been anti-elitist. There does exist an elitist and arrogant "intellectual establishment" in our society. Folk music has always and I hope will continue to speak out against these groups.

What's important is to keep our music open for all to enjoy, whether it's listening, singing or playing; regardless of venue; the kitchen table, the campfire, open stage or even the shower.

There... now I feel better. Well folks.. I'm off to an open stage.

Take care, Dave T