The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30160   Message #385769
Posted By: GUEST
30-Jan-01 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked -- THREE!
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked -- THREE!
One thing you can count on is a constant stream of doom and gloom as liberals/socialists/communists (LSC) find that people are becoming educated about their true agenda. Al Gore should have won the election hands-down. It was handed to him on a silver platter. It should not have been close enough for recounts! The only problem is that Americans are increasingly disgusted with the government. They wanted to go a different direction than proposed by democrats. So don't pretend Bush "stole" the election. The fact that enough people voted for him to make it close is bad news for the LSC. It has been happening at state and local levels for some time.

After years of socialized schools, with funding going through the roof, students perform poorly. Instead of opening their minds to new methods (and some old ones that worked very well), the LSC wants more of the same. Only more money, wasted, satisfies them. That was always the problem with the Soviet Union - all they needed was more money to make communism work. Meanwhile the elite class got rich and the workers had to subsist on whatever rations were available. A real "workers paradise". Then there's Cuba...

Of course, there is France. Just enough capitalism to make the socialism/communism bearable - if you import your own money. Plenty of poor people to populate the service industries, but enough "elite" LSC to make other LSC comfortable. From what I hear on this list, I think many of you would be happy there (for about a week!)

Down with communism, socialism, and liberalism!

Up with America!