The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162186   Message #3858615
Posted By: akenaton
03-Jun-17 - 07:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kathy Griffin comedienne?
Subject: RE: BS: Kathy Griffin comedienne?
I've lost interest in this rubbish, anyway the really big shock horror story appears to be Donal John's typo....."Oh my God" say the "liberals"...Its worse than "Pussygate", he must be really dumb, in fact he's so dumb there wouldn't be any point decapitating him, but we would love to do it anyway because he won the election fairly and democratically...the bastard!!

Now, I read most of what's printed on here and contained within it are loads of typos...I do them myself.....but I never denigrate members over it, even Jim, who's fleck filled posts are almost indecipherable to the untutored eye.   :0)