The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124302   Message #3858750
Posted By: Joe Offer
04-Jun-17 - 12:27 AM
Thread Name: Songs to the John Brown/Battle Hymn tune
Subject: ADD: Battle Hymn of Women (Meredith Tax)
For the record, here are the lyrics to "The Battle Hymn of Women," by Meredith Tax, Maredith Tax also wrote There Was a Young Woman Who Swallowed a Lie

(Meredith Tax)
Tune: “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” 
I wrote this so we could sing it in our march for women’s freedom on International Women’s Day, March 8, 1970, the first time women had demonstrated on March 8 in Boston in many a year. The chorus, “Move on over or we’ll move on over you” is from a civil rights song by Len Chandler. This was recorded recently by Betsy Rose and is available at
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the flame of women’s rage
Kept smoldering for centuries, now burning in this age.
We no longer will be prisoners in that same old gilded cage
That’s why we’re marching on.
Move on over or we’ll move on over you
Move on over or we’ll move on over you
Move on over or we’ll move on over you
For women’s time has come!
You have told us to speak softly, to be gentle and to smile
Expected us to change ourselves with every passing style.
Said the only work for women was to clean and sweep and file
That’s why we’re marching on!
It is we who’ve done your cooking, done your cleaning, kept your rules.
We gave birth to your children and we taught them in your schools.
We’ve kept the system running but we’re laying down our tools.
That’s why we’re marching on!
You think that you can buy us off with crummy wedding rings
You never give us half the profit that our labor brings
Our anger eats into us, we’ll no longer bend to kings,
That’s why we’re marching on.
We have broken through our shackles, now we sing a battle song
We march for liberation and we’re many thousands strong
We’ll build a new society, we’ve waited much too long,
That’s why we’re marching on!