The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162200   Message #3858791
Posted By: Stu
04-Jun-17 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: impotent futile anger...???
Subject: RE: BS: impotent futile anger...???
Old white men could do one thing... think about the youth and the future. Regardless of whether they like it or not the world has changed and left them behind. I'm a generation behind the old white men but I feel it changing, but we have to understand that the world of our Empires has crumbled and unity, not division is the key to moving forward as a species.

Old white people have brought us Brexit and Trump, the two most regressive and damaging things they could have inflicted on the young people of today. In the UK we are entering a new era of isolationism and sucking up to the wilful idiocy of Trump and the GOP, the US has surrendered it's place as leader of the free world in order to pursue a path of ignorance and unfettered free-market corporate governance of the worst possible kind.

Here in the UK our young people cannot afford homes, see their health service being flogged off and our government backing the sheer stupidity of Trump whilst eschewing the progressive politics of Europe, which we are and always will be a part of. Our universities are emptying of european scientists as the ever-xenophioblic right wing attempt to use them as pawns in a game that will see an influx of - you guessed it - old white expats coming back to use the NHS when they feel like it.

The establishment has won, and it won because told white people felt safer with their Mays and Farages than with anyone with an ounce of intellect or of a progressive bent. They will make sure May gets back in despite the fact she treats them like shit and might well shorten their lives. Self-intereest trumps the common good for many people it seems.

It's ever been thus I guess. We never learn.

"Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'."