The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23516 Message #3858888
Posted By: keberoxu
04-Jun-17 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: 'Isle of Mull'
Subject: RE: Tune Req: 'Isle of Mull'
Here is the additional verse from Binneas nam Bàrd;
it would be inserted after the fifth verse in Malcolm Douglas's post.
Again, Binneas nam Bàrd does not have an English translation,
so the Gaelic will have to do.
Gheibhteadh 'n ruadh-chearc 'sna coilltean ìosal,
'S a coileach tùchanach dlùth 'ga brìodal;
'S ged bha na beanntan gun fhaing, gun fhrìthean,
Bha daimh na cròice 'nan còrsaibh lìonmhor.
(0age 62, verse no. 5)