The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162200   Message #3858994
Posted By: Jim Carroll
05-Jun-17 - 06:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: impotent futile anger...???
Subject: RE: BS: impotent futile anger...???
""Free speech"
In the form of a press owned by millionaires who have spent years campaigning for the party of their choice, and a govenment who are elected on promises they never keep.
"Belief in equality for all?"
Go look ar the steadily increasing gap between HAVES and HAVE NOTS in Britain, the creeping privatisation of health,
the cost of sending your children to be educated to a HIGHER LEVEL and the massive gap between those living in the soft-underbelly southeast and the real Britain
THen there's CHILDCARE
This is how "EQUAL for ALL" Britain is today.
I suppose 'freedom of association' means we can all sit in the park and compare notes!!
Jim Carroll"
Read it and understood it - health is being gradualy privar=tised and your persistent attempts to talk ppeople down in your evasively arrogant way (Jom) makes it obvious that you realise you have once more put your foot cleanly in your moth again.
Address the facts of what is happening the pioneering Labour's Jewel in the Crown for the British people - opposed by your shitty lot then and steadily undermined since
Sam Larner had it summed up perfectly with his 19th century verse:
"If life was a thing that money could buy,
The rich would live and the poor would die"
True back then - still true
Jim Carroll