The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36608   Message #3859247
Posted By: gnu
06-Jun-17 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: What's the weather like where you are?
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
keberoxu... In Moncton,, it's presently (almost 1PM) cloudy and    9C with wind of 20-30kph. I am LOVIN' IT! Got the heat pump on, although I have refused to do so for a while. 3C and clear tonight so we'll see how my neighbours' bedding plants make out if there is no wind. Fools! Full moon is Friday and I told them two weeks ago not to put in annuals from the nursery before close to the full moon. But, they know all about the weather and I don't... according to them. Fools.

Forecast says 28C on Thursday. But, I have a heat pump for that. >;-)