The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162286   Message #3861291
Posted By: Helen
16-Jun-17 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Desktop icon font change Windows10?
Subject: RE: Tech: Desktop icon font change Windows10?
Hi Mrrzy,

Don't call me Rhonda, eh? Oh well, at least I realised my mistake and admitted it publicly. That counts for something, I guess.

And thanks so much to the Mudelf who cleaned up after my mess.

My only excuse is that I had not had my morning caffeine fix before posting that link.

I know that with the Personalize option on Windows 7 I can choose to change the icon fonts etc but I stand by what I said in my first post: "Microsoft likes screw1ng around with user knowledge by making what used to be simple, intuitive and easy into something totally befuddling and annoying."

In an attempt to make amends, and trying desperately not to risk starting another bushfire, this page appears to - innocuously - show in step-by-step fashion with pictures, how to:

Hide or Show Drop Shadow of Desktop Icon Labels in Windows 10
