The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162310   Message #3862351
Posted By: Senoufou
22-Jun-17 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Royal Ascot: permission to remove
Subject: RE: BS: Royal Ascot: permission to remove
Oh Lord, if I went on a cruise I'd have to bring along a very large bucket in which to be sick about every two minutes.

I don't possess any 'posh' clothes at all. I can't bear to be 'trussed up' and I like loose clothing with sandals winter and summer (haven't been near a sock for decades)

My father lived in shorts (not those longish ones, the shorter type) and his legs were mahogany in colour. He also took off his shirt whenever possible, especially while gardening.

I dread being invited to any 'occasion'. I have one long skirt, not posh at all, and my 'funeral jacket' (hope I never need that!)
It's quite ridiculous to insist on people wearing hot clothing in the temperatures we've had lately. I read that even some secondary schools tried to insist on their students roasting in thick school blazers. Absurd.