The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161905   Message #3862431
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Jun-17 - 02:12 AM
Thread Name: BS:Mass murder of defenceless civilians-Korea 1951
Subject: RE: BS: Mass murder of defenceless civilians
"WTF are you wittering on about Jom?"
Before we go any further perhaps it's time to sort things out once and for all
Some time ago we were asked to grow up and stop calling each other childish names - all of us more or less took on that suggestion except you, who, in your defence has little to offer other that your contemptuous bullying aggression.
I find this subject interesting, but I'm fucked if I have any intention participating in it with an arrogant twat who can't be arsed to conduct himself in a half-decent adult manner.
Learn to behave as if those who disagree with you aren't no nothing morons to be talked down to and insulted and you might have a smidgen of an idea of the subject in hand and you might have a place here, otherwise, kindly go fuck yourself.
My chosen name on this forum is Jim Carroll - your pathetic attempts to talk be down with bullying and bluster has fucked up far to many threads and it stands to fuck up another one here
Grow up and act like an adult or go away
Jim Carroll