The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162310   Message #3862455
Posted By: Will Fly
23-Jun-17 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Royal Ascot: permission to remove
Subject: RE: BS: Royal Ascot: permission to remove
I've never experienced hair loss on my legs through wearing trousers - which is mainly in the cooler months. If I feel warm I'll wear shorts; if cold, then trousers. However, I never wear jeans. Light cotton trousers in summer, where necessary, and moleskins in the winter. I do a lot of walking on country footpaths and through woods, etc., and wearing long trousers is only sensible on nettle-ridden footpaths! Denim's a cold, soggy option in wet walking weather and not recommended.

Same with sandals - great for much of the time, but not in nettle country. And a confession here: When driving long distances, I wear sandals with socks for greater comfort. So there!

A lady who used to call for our band got a bee in her bonnet about us wearing some sort of uniform dress for playing at ceilidhs. The band uniformly (ho! ho!) rejected the idea. I'd been press-ganged into a band uniform many years ago and stuck it for about 6 weeks before leaving, and I wasn't going that route again.

However, in general I take the view that if I'm invited as a guest to an occasion where the organisers/hosts have determined that they want a particular look and style - including a dress code - then I have a choice: I can go with their wishes and attend appropriately; or I can choose not to go. It is, after all, their occasion - and my choice in the end.