The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162310   Message #3862516
Posted By: MikeL2
23-Jun-17 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Royal Ascot: permission to remove
Subject: RE: BS: Royal Ascot: permission to remove
Hi Steve

Even a tad's improvement is something. Keep improving like that and who knows..? you might yet attend Ascot wearing a topper - it goes well with shorts and sandals.

I have never been refused entry but I have been escorted from a dance hall by the Police in Inverness.

It was I have to say a case of mistaken identity and the Manager of the Hall guaranteed the my behaviour had always been "impeccable " and identified the correct guy, and the police escorted him out.

I got a couple of free pints from the manager.


Ps Roll on the football season.