The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162310   Message #3862534
Posted By: Senoufou
23-Jun-17 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Royal Ascot: permission to remove
Subject: RE: BS: Royal Ascot: permission to remove
Another thing I don't like when attending a 'do' is wearing make-up. Why should I? I don't even have any. Or earrings? Or any adornments? And as for those abominations known as tights (aptly named) I don't even possess a pair.
I never have a 'hair-do' or colour it. It gets trimmed every few weeks and that's the lot. I must look like a haggard old witch, and I expect people wonder where I've parked my broomstick, but the super thing about being old is that one ceases to mind very much what other people think.