The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162333   Message #3863031
Posted By: robomatic
26-Jun-17 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Re-erect Trollpikken!
Subject: RE: BS: Re-erect Trollpikken!
I remember the great stone face on Cannon Mountain. It could be seen from the highway and certain vantage points in the White Mountains. Efforts were made to preserve it via support cables and brackets long before it succumbed to what I believe were the natural forces of erosion and gravity. It is remembered in poetry and the New Hampshire quarter dollar.

I believe that the gateposts of many Age-of-Pericles Athenian homes were 'guarded' by phallic statues. Sometime during the Pelopennesian War someone went through town breaking them, and was not caught. This was taken as a bad omen, which events supported.