The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30189   Message #386342
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
31-Jan-01 - 05:24 AM
Thread Name: Bloody Sunday (30 January 1972, Derry)
Subject: RE: Bloody Sunday
Thanks Clinton, we have not seen eye to eye on some issues (Smoking in particular!) but I am in total agreement here. Re-opening old wounds will not move us forward. It will come as no surprise to anyone who has read any of my posts to similar threads that I say this. I cannot say it too often.

The deaths of those people will be commemorated by those who loved them. It will be keenly regretted by all concerned in causing them. What point is served by dredging it up here other than to renew the Irish hatred of the British?

On a 'this day in history page' we see -

1349 Jews of Freilsburg Germany are massacred
1647 Scots agree to sell King Charles I to English Parliament for £400
1894 US flag fired on in Rio; prompt satisfaction exacted by Admiral Benham
1937 2nd of Stalin's purge trials; Pyatakov & 16 others sentenced to death
and far more relevent in the Mudcat---
1969 Beatles perform their last gig together, a free concert on the roof of Apple

Anyone posting reminders of any of these??? Anyone feel the need to stir up any anti-German, Scotish, Brazilian, Russian or Yoko Ono feelings???

Incidentaly, the thought for the day on the same page is -

The less a statesman amounts to, the more he loves the flag.

Pretty apt don't you think???

Dave the Gnome