The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162345   Message #3863640
Posted By: Steve Shaw
30-Jun-17 - 04:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillsborough nearly thirty years later
Subject: RE: BS: Hillsborough nearly thirty years later
Well a lot's been done to improve both the comfort and safety of fans since 1989, a lot of it as a consequence of Hillsborough. You are clearly virulently anti-football, Al. Well, though I know there's a lot wrong with the game, it gives a lot of pleasure to millions who are not by any means all brainless, gullible morons. Don't let your footie-hatred get conflated with an I-told-you-so attitude to a tragedy. Almost as many people are killed on our roads every week as died at Hillsborough. Would you close our roads? How about banning all aIr travel as a consequence of the latest air crash?