The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162394   Message #3864684
Posted By: Mr Red
06-Jul-17 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Have the times a'changed that much?
Subject: RE: BS: Have the times a'changed that much?
Sorry in advance if Stu get upset by my comments but if he feels strongly about the mess he sees around him - change it.

As an analogous story might I point to a TV programme on the community channel. It concerned a town I knew well, once. Walsall. They went around the sad locations and talked to the residents who were hanging around complaining about the rubbish dumped along alleyways and micro lawns that never got cut.

What struck me was the resignation that these layabouts showed. Who is going to carry a washing machine more than 100 yards to throw it away? Those littering were their neighbours - but never them!
The next thought I had was why didn't they organise a clear-up. The cleaner the place the less the dumping. Idle hands and all that.

& then I recalled our solutions. We had rag and bone men collecting a lot of stuff we did not need. & We had Billy Muggins who took our stuff and repaired it (ish) and sold it back to us. He acted the simpleton but left £350,000 when he died (in the 60s).

And then I remembered the "Tip" - a rubbish area that the community had default designated as a dump - OK we did it then, amidst the foundry sand already there, but not in the alleyways, nor in the street with empty houses. That land is a green space now!

It's your community - be part of its better side. Complaining doesn't achieve anything. Inspire people or get off yer bloody arse. PAL!