The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162413   Message #3865011
Posted By: akenaton
08-Jul-17 - 05:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thatcher statue
Subject: RE: BS: Thatcher statue
No, I suggested the childish comments generated by this thread make it unworthy of a rather good discussion forum.
Perfectly good and interesting threads are being closed to satisfy political bias, while we all sit round proffering childish insults on Mrs Thatcher, someone who never got my vote but was without doubt a parliamentarian of immense stature.
We have a democracy of sorts here in the UK and Mrs Thatcher was produced by the will of the people as was Mr Blair.....I agreed with the political views of neither, but accepted the decision of the electorate.....I pride myself in having more guts than to shit on someone who was placed in her position by the people of this country and who did what she thought was right for the country and her Party.