The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162413   Message #3865020
Posted By: Steve Shaw
08-Jul-17 - 06:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thatcher statue
Subject: RE: BS: Thatcher statue
As for statues, I would never agree with damaging or destroying them (I might campaign to get them removed), but attaching scarves, hats, moustaches and pairs of knickers, etc., to them symbolises the fact that we live in a country in which you get yourself lionised at your peril and in which no-one is above ridicule. I like that. And I like it when it's done with humour. It's notable, and predictable, that the Thatcher supporters who've surfaced in this thread are being rather po-faced.

I was in Florence in May and it was amusing to see the replica David outside the Palazzo Vecchio with a pigeon on his head. Michelangelo would have been hugely amused (in fact, I'm sure he saw it quite often when the original was standing there - thankfully, it's now safely under cover). A pigeon may sit on the greatest statue in the world just as a cat may look at a king. Brilliant!