The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162413   Message #3865076
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Jul-17 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thatcher statue
Subject: RE: BS: Thatcher statue
Three lines that time and not one single response to what she actually did
Do you think Pinochet represented democracy the yay thatcher claimed she did
If not, what on earth was she doing as Prime Minister of a 'democratic' country?
THatcher tackled the economic problems by diving the country sharply into haves and haven nots
The party which fought its way to power so valiantly under the slogan "Labour isn't working "complete with illustrations of dole queues) inherited an unemployment figure of less than one and a half million, in five years that peaked to over three million, and left the country with over 2 million unemployed
The hardest hit, with one in five people out of work were Norther Ireland and Northern Britain
So much for "Labour isn't working"
Jim Carroll