The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162413   Message #3865112
Posted By: Steve Shaw
08-Jul-17 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Thatcher statue
Subject: RE: BS: Thatcher statue
Once you let coal mines flood its next to impossible to reopen them. Still plenty of strikes and discontent on the extremely expensive and bloody unreliable railways. I've used the long-distance system four times in the last year and (a) it would have been three times cheaper and no slower to jump in the car and go on the M5/M4, and (b) not once - NOT ONCE - did the trains run anything like on time. Diabolical. Yes, the Wilson lot went to the IMF. The clown of the century Cameron has guided us out of the EU in the stupidest bit of short-sighted politicking ever seen in this country and the pound instantly devalued 20% and is going down, down, down. Wilson's devaluation was a bloody walk in the park in comparison. And Thatcher did not turn the country round. She left it bereft of major industries, left hundreds of thousands wallowing on incapacity or unemployed with no future and she devastated whole communities. Oh, and the poll tax, lest we forget. Another great piece of fine Tory judgement. The only people happy with her legacy are the unregulated yuppie brigade who we're depicted, not inaccurately, as waving wads of banknotes in our faces. Government by spiv. Maybe you were one of 'em, Teribus?