The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10236   Message #3865206
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
09-Jul-17 - 04:48 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Choucoune
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Choucoune

"Lacking a strict copyright and means of launching famous Haitian tunes in the United States, American music makes [sic] are using our music under new names and lyrics.

With Caribbean songs and tunes breaking into U.S. hit parades and top tune lists, the hijacking of Haitian music has soared out of proportion to the credit Haiti is receiving.

The best example of taking a Haitian tune and substituting new lyrics is evident in what happened to Haiti's beloved song «Choucoune», famous for 70 years since Poet Oswald Durand and Musician Moliard Montant [sic] composed the words and music.

Harry Belafonte's album, «Belafonte Sings of the Caribbean», has a song «Don't Ever Love Me», which is unmistakably «Choucoune». In addition, the Norman Luboff Choir's album; «Calypso Holiday», includes a song entitled «Yellow Bird» which also is certainly «Choucoune».

It is time that credit was given where credit is due, especially where Haitian culture is concerned. Some kind of control should, for the best interests of «advertising» our art, be placed on songs «borrowed» from Haiti by foreign musicians.

Editorial, Haiti Sun, 22 Sept 1957, p4.