The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115837 Message #3868438
Posted By: GUEST,Eric Villliers
26-Jul-17 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: Instruments: The National Musical String Company
Subject: RE: Instruments: The National Musical String Company
Hi, During some history research I have come across details about William McClelland, who owned the National Musical String Company in New Brunswick. He emigrated from Cookstown, County Tyrone, and had been Ireland's correspondent/theatre critic/reporter for the Stage newspaper (London). He had been in America for about 20 years before buying NMSC. In 1916 he gave one of his oldest friends a job at the factory, and a place to stay, after he arrived penniless from Dublin. That man went on to become a Harvard professor; an academic celebrity and friend of Professor Brander Matthews (an intimate of Theodore Roosevelt) and Dr Quincy Adams. Thought this might be of interest to anyone researching the NSMC. Best regards, Eric Villiers.