The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112465 Message #3869057
Posted By: Nigel Paterson
30-Jul-17 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Bedlam Boys / Tom of Bedlam
Subject: RE: Origin: Bedlam Boys / Tom of Bedlam
A sideways shift from the academic to the modestly commercial, The Halliard's version of 'Boys of Bedlam' can be found in: 'The Halliard, Broadside Songs' (book) & recorded on CD MMCD/04. Both are available from where he & Julia would be pleased to hear from you. In the spirit of 'serious errors', my surname is misspelt in the goldilox 't' please! Greetings to All, Nigel Paterson (Mandolin, The Halliard)