The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162506   Message #3869372
Posted By: akenaton
01-Aug-17 - 05:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who is the White House Leak
Subject: RE: BS: Who is the White House Leak
Well you could have had Bernie, but ultimately you preferred Clinton, despite all she did to make herself unelectable.

Real people everywhere have come to realise that the establishment rules.....and they don't like it.
Regardless of the labels the establishment and its puppets control what we do and more importantly, what we think.
President Donal John is not of the political establishment, they hate and fear him and that should be an object lesson to you people.
You are the real political conservatives.

My political past is as anti- conservative as you can get, but I have learned that "change" means bringing everyone on board, rich, poor, left, right. Evolution not conflict is the only rational vehicle for change.