The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2903   Message #3869753
Posted By: GUEST,Mark Bluemel
03-Aug-17 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: Origins: John o' Dreams (Bill Caddick)
Subject: RE: Origins: John O' Dreams (Bill Caddick)
I've now listened to Bill's version on YouTube. This must be the same as Joe referenced in his post at "13 Jul 17 - 01:52 AM", changing song at the start of the last verse :-(

Joe's transcription there seems to match what I hear, and what I remember - including the last verse. I think I first heard it sung by Sean Cannon nearly 40 years ago.

I suspect a lot of people have learnt the song second or third hand - probably from Christy Moore (I note that it's another song that seems to have been claimed by the Emerald Isle - can people not understand that Christy Moore singing something doesn't make it Irish? Let's hope one day he'll cover "Rule Brittania" or "The Star Spangled Banner" just for the fun of making people think they're Irish too).

Most of the variations seem to me to have lost a lot of the original's poetry.