The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161452   Message #3870299
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Aug-17 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Heheh, nice one, Dave.

Since the referendum, Teribus, since the referendum. The country has gone down the pan in respect of the measures I indicated since then.

It doesn't matter what Labour or the LibDems said that they would do if they were in charge. They were not put in charge, and the Tories were not obliged to carry out things that parties who failed to get in charge said that they'd do if they got in charge. Why, by that measure, Keith, since Labour said they would repeal anti-union legislation, well I suppose the Tories had better get on and do it...😂 In other words, the pair of you, stop being so daft.

As for those sex parties which you are so certain never took place, in spite of a sane and honest witness having been present who was later "sidelined," isn't it amazing how you dismiss evidence that doesn't suit you yet you cling on to every little negative snippet about Corbyn that we're all sick of you repeatedly telling us about. "Don't mention antisemitism - Keith mentioned it a thousand times but he thinks he got away with it..." (with apologies to Basil Fawlty)