The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162670   Message #3872605
Posted By: Greg F.
19-Aug-17 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: BS:Statues-Are we any better than ISIS or al-Qaeda
Subject: RE: BS: Are we any better than ISIS or al-Qaeda
They are no worse than the monuments and statues honoring Union soldiers that can be found on many squares in the Northern states.

Actually, they are CONSIDERABLY worse- to the point of obscenity. They are a monument to white supremacy, to slavery, to traitors who took up arms against the United States Government in order to perpetuate slavery. They are celebrating a mythical "lost cause" as if the southern slaveocracy were people in a Sir Walter Scott novel.

I do not believe, however, that erasing our history will change these vermin.

No one is "erasing history"- that's arrant nonsense. As long as there are books and historians, the history of that unfortunate period of U.S. history is abundantly available.

What's being removed, and not before time, is a celebration of the Confederacy, white supremacy, Jim Crow and racism.

Rather than saying that these people fought for slaver

Uh, sorry fella- that is EXACLTY what they did. As they themselves admitted. Do look up the Confederate Constitution, the writings of Alex. Stephens & Jeff Davis, as well as the several ordnances of secession. Its right there in black & white (as it were).

will we see Washington and Jefferson removed from Mount Rushmore because they owned slaves

More nonsense. Washington and Jefferson were not traitors who took up arms against the government of the United States in order to perpetuate slavery. Nor did they violate their sacred oath to protect and defend the United States & uphold the Constitution, as did Lee and other members of the regular U.S. army who defected to the Confederacy.

This also, though, a genuine work of art.

The same can be said for the works of Leni Riefenstahl.

Will Confederate faces on Georgia's Stone Mountain be removed?

One can only hope, as they were specifiacally carved ca. 1920's, during a period of resurgent KKK activity, as a statement supporting segregation and Jim Crow.

There are an estimated 1,500 Confederate symbols on display in the U.S. More than half a dozen of them in at least four states have been taken down since Saturday's violence in Charlottesville.

Well then, we'd better get busy: 1,494 to go, and not a minute too soon.

Isis?? al-Quaeda??? gimmie a fuckin' break. They're the middle east version of the KKK, Aryan Nations, Neo-Confederates, Neo-Or-Not-So Neo-Nazis & etc