The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162618   Message #3872757
Posted By: Teribus
20-Aug-17 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: The (in)glorious 12th
Subject: RE: BS: The (in)glorious 12th
"gathered sold and eaten after the rich pricks enjoyed the pleasure of killing them...???

So I take it from that pfr, being the consummate, professional, complete and utter gold standard Oik that you undoubtedly are that you would prefer that the grouse be "gathered sold and eaten" LIVE

By the way "biologist" Steve - the moorland habitat of the grouse was, and in some places still is, 100% natural - the UK contains 75% of the natural heather moorland left on the planet.

Floods? In the area where I was born and grew up the factor that has been most detrimental with regards to flooding has been forestation. As a boy during the summer holidays if there was a large rainfall the local rivers used to stay in "spate" for about three or four days after the rain stopped (Great for fishing). Then in the 1970s and 1980s someone came up with a great wheeze for Radio DJ's, pop stars and footballers that would be a great investment opportunity and tax break - forestry - plant conifers on what others considered as "useless" moorland. First part of that process was to improve drainage up on the moors as they were too wet to grow trees - land that used to absorb water and hold it back now spewed water into streams and rivers in a 24 hour cascade - ruined the rivers and the fishing - flooding has got very little to do with the "management" of a grouse moor.

Another little fact for the Gnome - 90% of all grouse shooting in England and Wales is carried out in AONB and National Parkland.

Anyone looking back through this thread will note that when I dipped my oar in, as Shaw puts it, it was to point out that Grouse is not "farmed". Teacher Shaw's objections are based on someone correcting either himself or one of his mates - teacher must always be right eh Shaw? Only thing is Shaw what you and your pals have come out with on this thread has needed quite a bit of correcting hasn't it.

Must go outside now and drive those "flocks of farmed grouse" off my lawn before those packs of "vicious dogs" get to them - Right Shaw?