The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162717   Message #3874144
Posted By: Donuel
29-Aug-17 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: 5.628 million people flooded out
Subject: BS: 5.628 million people flooded out
Brad Kieserman, who is coordinating disaster relief efforts in Texas for the Red Cross, said the destruction is "overwhelming."

Kieserman said Harvey has turned Southeast Texas into "an inland lake the size of Lake Michigan," and the greatest challenge right now is that workers can't get around because of the floodwaters.

"The situation feels, I think, as well managed as any situation like this could be," he told NPR on Monday. "I mean, the very definition of catastrophe is when the very capability and capacity you need to respond has been destroyed or deeply affected by the thing you're responding to, and that's what's happened here. Everyone who is involved in this response is coordinating and cooperating, but it is overwhelming."

The population of the greater Houston area is over 5 million.

Donuel; Meetings at NIH have discussed a need to respond to eventual outbreaks of cholera caused from any flood sewerage water getting in children's mouths.

The big flood from reservoirs is just now beginning. I have seen police and neighbors helping neighbors but no sign of the National Guard or big equipment.

Trump needs to release gas reserves and mobilize means to save millions. 14 helicopters just isn't doing the trick. There is the possibility that there is no hope for some of the millions of people who did as they were told and stayed put.

Mega Churches of Joel Ornstein have locked out survivors seeking shelter from the rain. I too have an urge to turn away but this humanitarian disaster demands help from a power higher than a visit by Donald.

In a month, perhaps this challenge will begin to look like our proudest hour.