The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162717   Message #3874182
Posted By: Donuel
29-Aug-17 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: 5.628 million people flooded out
Subject: RE: BS: 5.628 million people flooded out
Thank you Yashta, I knew there must have been a catch to insurance companies announcing deadlines.

The two big 100 foot high earthen reservoirs are overflowing right now in Houston as the rain continues. There will be no receding of the flood heights for at least 2 more days.

behind the scenes the GOP has presented a bill do defund the Mueller investigation. sneaky weasels.

btw - if a Trump government shutdown occurs relief efforts DO suffer.
Needless to say do not believe Trump even if he brings the rays of sunshine back and parts the waters.

All hail to the private Caygun navy.