The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162724   Message #3874467
Posted By: Jim Carroll
31-Aug-17 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: uk politics
Subject: RE: BS: uk politics
"Another amazing rant."
Why "amazing" Nige
Hasn't your party just done a deal with a party with terrorist links and bunged them £Billion of taxpayers money>
Your foreign secretary (nearly wrote sexratary) is a raving racist
It is the right with the track record of racism, not the left
It was the Economic Capitalist right that filled the extermination capps and massacred six million Jews (along with Left wingers and trades Unionists.
The Labour Party has a proud record of anti-racism - it was established with the help of emigre Jews fleeing right-wing European pogroms
It was Labour Party Members and Communists who took to the streets to oppose the Fascist and the police protecting them in the thirties
Despite enormous efforts on the part of the anti-BDS group, not a shred of eidence was proved to substantiate antisemitism in the Lanbour Party
Racism and bigotry is your bag, not ours
Jim Carroll