The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83746 Message #3874648
Posted By: GUEST,Obscure Ed
01-Sep-17 - 05:39 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Bantry Girl's Lament
Subject: RE: Origins: Bantry Girls lament
The song is in The Poets and Poetry of Ireland (1881), with an introductory paragraph: The following spirited and humorous "lament" is taken from "The Banks of tbe Boro," by Patrick Kennedy, a story which gives with remarkable faithfulness and minuteness the incidents of Irish country life. It is given with a number of other specimens of peasant poetry.
Nowadays it tends to be sung straight, but humorous elements are there to see: "dirty king"; piper blowing the fire with his bellows; valiant boy in trouble with the peelers. Some of the language might be a caricature of country style ("pathriarchs", "throunce the buckeens... bekase our eyes"). Perhaps there's also a question of why Ireland's pride was dependent on war in the foreign land of Spain.