The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162760   Message #3876860
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
13-Sep-17 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: brexit matters
Subject: RE: BS: brexit matters
its a bit like Monkey World - have you seen that programme. One day - all the troupe ganged on old Rodney who had been the leader of the troupe. They found old Rodney's mangled body and a new younger guy had become the troupe leader.

The late wonderful Jim Cronin ( founder of Monkeyworld) was explaining it. He said - There are no villains. There are no bad guys - its just what monkeys do.

You can't blame Lincolnshire farmers for not paying the minimum wage - they never have. Its just that now there are people who will work for even less. Irish people used to come over. Bob Geldof was in Boston at United Canners when he was a a young 'un. the wages were always shit. when i was a kid i used to pick daffodils and beans for two bob an hour.

there are no bad guys. its just what monkeys do. the trouble is that there is widespread ignorance about how people in different parts of the country live.