The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30270   Message #387758
Posted By: Metchosin
01-Feb-01 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Personality Test Fer Laughs
Subject: RE: BS: Pesonality Test Fer Laughs
EXPERIMENTER (Dominant Introvert Abstract Thinker )

Like just 6% of the population you are an EXPERIMENTER. Although you're slightly shy (admit it!), you love control. When a problem comes your way, you stomp on it swiftly and decisively. You are bothered easily by failure in others and failure in yourself. You don't like people that you don't think are intelligent. Rather than arguing with them, however, you would just as soon ignore them altogether. In relationships, you have a strong heart. And because you're introverted, people take you as someone they can trust. In addition to solving problems, there's a devilish part of you that likes to create problems, too. Once you stir things up, you like to sit back and watch the chaos unfold. No one would ever suspect you're the one who started it. Don't despair. You're really a good person at heart.

Shheesh, I guess I'm a bit of a sh*t disturber. I promise though, I have never flamed anyone as a guest. And I guess after this, I couldn't without being considered a prime suspect. aw......